Sector Mechanicus Alchomite Stack

Regular price $59.99 CAD Sold out
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    An incredibly detailed, striking scenery set, the Alchomite Stack is a modular plastic kit compatible with the entire Sector Mechanicus range – detailed, configurable scenery that will help you play games on a multi-level environment!

    The Alchomite Stack is a series of chimneys evoking the acrid, pollution-thick atmosphere that the dark industry of a forge world creates. Incredibly modular, the kit features a central dome and several chimneys: you have the option of assembling any of the included chimneys onto this, and either modelling the others as separate, independent pieces of terrain or attaching them to the exhaust vents on the side. Every piece in the Alchomite Stack kit is covered in detail, from Adeptus Mechanicus makers plates to cogs, valves and part designations. There’s a great deal here for a hobbyist to get their modelling teeth into! Rules are included for using this scenery piece in games of Warhammer 40,000.

    This kit contains 2 frames of plastic components – one containing the components for the central dome, and one containing components for the external tank – and is compatible with every other kit in the Sector Mechanicus scenery range, meaning massive, multi-level, labyrinthine structures can be built for your battles to be fought on. They can even be combined with the Haemotrope Reactor, Promethium Relay Pipes and Void Shield Generator. Your imagination is the only limit – no two gaming tables ever need look the same!

    - $59.99 CAD

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