Citadel Contrast Paint

Regular price $9.40 6 in stock.
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Apothecary White
Iyanden Yellow
Nazdreg Yellow
Gryph-Hound Orange
Blood Angels Red
Flesh Tearers Red
Volupus Pink
Magos Purple
Shyish Purple
Talassar Blue
Ultramarines Blue
Leviadon Blue
Aethermatic Blue
Akhelian Green
Terradon Turquoise
Plaguebearer Flesh
Warp Lightning
Ork Flesh
Militarum Green
Creed Camo
Dark Angels Green
Skeleton Horde
Aggaros Dunes
Gore-Grunta Fur
Guilliman Flesh
Fyreslayer Flesh
Space Wolves Grey
Darkoath Flesh
Cygor Brown
Snakebite Leather
Gryph-Charger Grey
Basilicanum Grey
Black Templar
Aeldari Emerald
Asurmen Blue
Baal Red
Bad Moon Yellow
Black Legion
Briar Queen Chill
Celestium Blue
Doomfire Magenta
Dreadful Visage
Garaghak's Sewer
Gutrippa Flesh
Hexwraith Flame
Imperial Fist
Ironjawz Yellow
Karandras Green
Kroxigor Scales
Leviathan Purple
Luxion Purple
Magmadroth Flame
Mantis Warriors Green
Nighthaunt Gloom
Pylar Glacier
Ratling Grime
Striking Scorpion Green
Sigvald Burgundy
    • gameBases, shades, and highlights your models with a single application
    • Water-based formula
    • Pot size: 18ml

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